Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the The Psychic Development Academy

    • A message from Richard Knight

    • The Spirit of Healing: Powerful steps for Psychic Development

    • The Psychic Development Academy Manual

  • 2

    Ali Campbell / Richard Knight Marketing & Coaching

    • Zoom Recording

  • 3

    Module 1 - Introduction to Psychic Development

    • Manual Module 1 - Introduction to Psychic Development

    • Use the link to download Manual Module 1 - Introduction to Psychic Development

    • Aims for The Academy

    • The Sacred Space

    • Sacred space meditation

    • Mindfulness

    • Mediation

    • Meditation GI

    • Meditation - using Mala Beads

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    Module 2 - Psychometry

    • Manual Module 2 - Psychometry

    • Use the Link to Download Manual Module 2 - Psychometry

    • Introduction

    • The process

    • Psychometry - a guided imagery exercise

    • Footnote

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    Module 3 - Chakras, Auras, and Crystals

    • Manual Module 3 - Chakras, Auras, and Crystals

    • Use the Link to Download Manual Module 3 - Chakras, Auras, and Crystals

    • Sensing energy

    • How we use the crystals to energize our chakras

    • Chakra meditation

    • Auras

    • How to imprint your Aura with positive thoughts and energy - Excercise

    • Crystals

    • Crystals - Psychic Protection

    • Crystal - Healing

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    Module 4 - Discovering Past Lives

    • Manual Module 4 - Discovering Past Lives

    • Use the Link to Download Manual Module 4 - Discovering Past Lives

    • Past Lives - Introduction

    • Regression Meditation

    • Sacred Space

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    Module 5 - Being Psychic

    • Manual Module 4 - Being Psychic

    • Use the Link to Download Manual Module 4 - Being Psychic

    • What is it to be psychic?

    • Empathy, a Powerful Psychic Sense

    • Empathy Cleansing Exercises

    • Exercise Creating Empathic Flow

    • Ethics and Good Practice

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    Module 6 - Understanding the role of the Medium

    • Manual Module 6 - Understanding the Role of the Medium

    • Use the link to download Manual Module 6 - Understanding the Role of the Medium

    • Understanding the role of the Medium - Introduction

    • Best Practises

    • Physical Phenomena

    • Aura & Mediumship Exercise

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    Module 7 - Understanding Spirit

    • Manual Module 7 - Understanding Spirit

    • Consciousness and 'Heaven'

    • Why Does Spirit Communicate?

    • The Mechanics of Mediumship

    • The Reunion Process

    • Reunion Meditation

    • Reunion Feedback

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    Module 8 - The language of Spirit Communication

    • Manual Module 8 - The Language of Spirit Communication

    • Symbols

    • Structuring a Session

    • Working with Spirit Guides

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    Module 9 - Connecting to Spirit

    • Manual Module 9 - Connecting to Spirit

    • Connecting to Spirit

    • Automatic Spirit Writing

    • Automatic Writing Meditation

    • Automatic Writing - Final Words

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    Module 10 - Creating your own Psychic Practice

    • Manual Module 10 - Creating your own Psychic Practice

    • Reputation

    • Creating Referrals

    • Repeat Business

    • Marketing Basics

    • We've Only Just Begun!

    • Congratulations!

  • 13

    Final Assessment

    • What you need to do for your final assessment

    • How did the Academy transform things for you?

    • Thank you for completing the final assessment

    • Important Information on Certification

    • Download your logo here

  • 14

    BONUS Module: Intuitive Coaching

    • Introduction to Intuitive Coaching

    • What is Transformative Coaching

    • Session Layout

    • Coaching questions

    • Gaining Clarity

    • The Past Session

    • The Present

    • The Future

    • The Recap

    • Integrating Tarot or Psychic Readings

    • Conclusion

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    BONUS: Marketing Mastermind

    • Branding

    • Marketing with Ali Campbell

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    Intuitional Coaching

    • Intuitional Coaching - Zoom Seminar